We are so pleased to announce that our lovely artist Beatrice Forshall, whom we have supported since she was at Falmouth University, has released her first book: The Book of Vanishing Species: Illustrated Lives!
Published by Bloomsbury, 'The Book of Vanishing Species is a stunning homage to the planet's most mysterious, bizarre and wondrous creatures and plants. Their stories are captivating, from the eyeless and tiny dragonlike olm to the hawksbill turtle, whose gender will be determined by the temperature of the sand it is born in. These species may have survived for hundreds of thousands of years by cleverly adapting to their environments, but their future remains far from certain.
This is both a love letter to life on Earth, and an urgent summons to protect what is precious and lovely in this world.'
You can purchase her book through many major book distributers. Buy it now on Waterstones or Foyles.
You can read Toast Magazine's review In the Studio with Beatrice Forshall here.
Watch the 3 minute film about Vanishing Species, created by Temujin Doran of Studio Canoe, which was commissioned by Bloomsbury for the launch of this book.